Frequently asked questions.

Why is Central Arkansas’s Pride in October?

In July 2013, organizers met for the first time to organize a Pride event in Central Arkansas. Wanting to get the event on the books that year, the group scheduled the fist Central Arkansas Pride in October of 2013, and we’ve gathered to celebrate Pride in October ever since.

While June is recognized as Pride Month, many Pride celebrations across the U.S. happen at different points in the year. October happens to be National LGBTQ+ History Month, and National Coming Out Day is Oct. 11. We hope people will celebrate all the wonderful Arkansas Pride events in June, October and throughout the year!

How do I become a vendor?

Check out our vendor application here.

Is the festival free?

There is no charge to attend the festival or watch the parade. Our team fundraises year-round to keep Pride free for ALL to attend. Your donation can help keep Pride free for all while supporting our other programs and events.

I want to perform at Pride! How do I get on the entertainment line-up?

If you are interested in performing at Pride, email If possible, please include links to videos of your performances, what you plan on performing, and some information about yourself. While we welcome performers of all kinds to apply, we don’t have enough stage time to accomodate all applicants. If you aren’t selected, we encourage you to keep applying as we try to spread the love every year!